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Home > Our Services > Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate Sponsorship.....
Affordable Advertising Opportunities
Our buses travelled just over 376,000 miles last year and are recognised by thousands of people all over the Derbyshire Dales and High Peak areas, so what better way to reach your target customers than advertising your company name on one of our minibuses.
It is surprisingly cheap and easy to do and there are no lengthy legal documents to complete.
To find out more please contact Andy Coxon, Transport Manager, on 01629 641920 for further information.
Here's how your money helped us last year...
Paid towards 99,811 journeys for isolated and vulnerable people last year
Took 14,393 older people shopping to maintain independent and active lives
Enabled 25,000
community group members to enjoy social integration with friends
To travel 376,000 miles across Derbyshire Dales and High Peak
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